An Ayurvedic Cleanse to defog the mind, lighten the vessel + unveil the soul once more. Choose between our 3, 7 or 21day options to suit your individual needs & budget.
For best results commence anytime between mid/end Spring, this is a small window that nature allows for maximum cleansing benefit, however you may also cleanse anytime you like outside these months for a more gentle cleansing effect.
Delivered online via email/phone/zoom. We support you the entire way along.
A Spring Cleanse is for those who wish to feel more energised, improve gut health, uplift mood & reset digestion! It's particularly beneficial for lifting heaviness of Kapha such as respiratory problems, allergies etc.
Ayurveda recommends an Spring cleanse to all women & men hoping to conceive following Spring or to anyone looking to transform their health as well as to those who are healthy but wish to maintain their Ojas (vitality) for the year ahead.
Spring transitions offer a sacred window to let go of anything that may be troubling us, to ensure we don't burn out with exhaustion come Summer.